Can easily be adjusted to several different colors and glow effects.

Imagine mockup as a wall poster

Scroll down for more details.
The background behind this artwork is that I wanted to create a simple poster for a band that has had a great influence on me artistically. The themes behind this band are often melancholic, have undertones of isolation, and also is associated with space because of something of their song and aesthetics. 
I decided I wanted to make something that gives off a desperate or isolating emotion and I wanted to just include the band name only as I felt this made the artwork stand on it's own as the name of the band "Failure" only brings more thought to the artwork on its own.
I generally make rough sketches and begin very early drafts in whatever software I will use and then work on a final artwork based off of that. I am not a traditional illustrator so I often use shapes and pieces in programs like illustrator to create forms or characters with the help of loose sketches, so for this project I wanted to make something out of my comfort zone as I was inspired to do so. I recently used Midjourney AI to collaborate with myself into making an artwork for another band I am inspired by and that experience gave me the confidence to use it again here.
This time around, I decided I would use Midjourney to find inspiration as I wanted the artwork to be completely made by myself, so with countless generations I began piecing together an astronaut in some sort of distress with a negative space design which allows me to add details freehand and really make something out of nothing where anyone can connect the dots into making the frame of the astronaut. 
Here are some generations I used in place of sketches:
I decided to add a paint/blood effect to the astronaut as if he is fading away, bleeding, or it could just be seen as abstract as I'm leaving it up for interpretation. I also decided to color it red on my final because it is ambiguous but some might see it as straight forward. To fit the abstract style I added colored circles to represent stars as I wanted to keep the simplified color scheme and details uniform in a sense. However, like I do with most of my designs I made the colors easily changeable because I thought it only adds to it to have variations and other colors can really change some of the context to the interpretation some people gather from this work.
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